OrthoNebraska Hospital Patient Rights and Responsibilities

As a patient at OrthoNebraska we want you to know the rights and responsibilities you have under federal and Nebraska state law as soon as possible during your experience with us. We are committed to honoring your rights and want you to know that by taking an active role in your healthcare, you can help your caregivers meet your needs as a patient. That is why we ask you and your support system to share with us certain responsibilities.

Patient Rights

Patients at OrthoNebraska have the right to appropriate medical care and services that respect their personal and spiritual values and beliefs, and to be treated with dignity at all times. This includes the right to be free from all forms of abuse and harassment. Patients have the right to receive all available and medically appropriate care, treatment and services offered solely on the basis of medical condition without differentiation or consideration of age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, language, physical or mental disability, socioeconomic status, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.

Privacy and Confidentiality

As a patient at OrthoNebraska you have the right:

  • To privacy and confidentiality. Patient’s medical records, care discussion, consultation, examination and treatment, and communication with or about patients are confidential and conducted with discretion.
  • To request and review copies of your medical record unless restricted for medical or legal reasons.
  • To receive written notice of the hospital’s Notice of Privacy Practice and know how your medical information is used.
  • To know the name and professional status of the person(s) involved in your care and which physician has primary responsibility for your care.
  • To receive or refuse visitors, telephone calls and deliveries during your stay as allowed by your medical condition and treatment.

Patient Communication

As a patient at OrthoNebraska you have the right:

  • To have your own physician, family member or other representative of your choice be notified promptly of your admission to the hospital.
  • To receive information in a way that you understand. This includes interpretation and translation, free of charge, in the language you prefer for talking about your health care. This also includes providing you with needed help if you have vision, speech, hearing, or cognitive impairments.
  • To be informed of hospital policies and procedures as, they apply to you.


As a patient at OrthoNebraska you have the right:

  • To expect the hospital to comply with applicable laws and regulations helping to assure a safe and accessible environment.
  • To be free from restraints or seclusion, unless medically necessary.

Care Planning

As a patient at OrthoNebraska you have the right:

  • To ask questions and be involved in care decisions about your medical condition and treatment.
  • To designate a support person, if needed, to act on your behalf to assert and protect your patient rights.
  • To work with your healthcare team to establish patient-centered goals for pain relief, including the development, implementation, and evaluation of a pain management plan.
  • As a parent/guardian you have the right to participate in the patient’s care and to give informed consent for the minor’s medical treatment. Many children have the cognitive ability to participate in healthcare decisions and provide informed consent or assent. Children with decision-making capacity, regardless of age, should be involved in their healthcare decisions. Their verbal, and in some cases written, consent or assent for procedures and treatments should be sought.
  • To receive a prompt and safe transfer to the care of others when this hospital is not able to meet your request or need for care or service. You have the right to know why a transfer to another health care facility might be required, as well as learning about other options for care. The hospital cannot transfer you to another hospital unless that hospital has agreed to accept you.

Advance Directives

As a patient at OrthoNebraska you have the right:

  • To state in writing who can make decisions about your healthcare (Power of Attorney for Health Care) and specify in writing your healthcare choices (Living Will Declaration). These written documents are called Advance Directives.
  • To request and receive information from the hospital regarding Advance Directives.
  • To have hospital staff comply with your Advance Directive. The hospital will provide you with the same quality of care regardless of the existence of these written documents.
  • To know the hospital’s policy on Advance Directives. The hospital’s policy is to comply with Advance Directives in all areas of the organization with the exception of: Infusion, Diagnostic Imaging, Outpatient Physical and Occupational Therapy and the perioperative phase of care (pre-op, surgery, and post-op).

Informed Consent

As a patient at OrthoNebraska you have the right:

  • To be informed about proposed care options including the risks and benefits, other care options, what could happen without care, and the outcome(s) of any medical care provided, including any outcomes that were not expected. You may need to sign your name before the start of any procedure and/or care. “Informed Consent” is not required in the case of an emergency.
  • To refuse any care, therapy, drug, or procedure against the medical advice of a doctor. There may be times that care must be provided based on law.
  • To take part or not take part in research or clinical trials for your condition that may be suggested by your doctor. You participation in such care is voluntary. A decision to not take part in research or clinical trials will not affect your right to receive care.

Patient Responsibilities

As a patient, designated support person or guardian, you have the right to know all hospital policies and procedures and what we expect of you during your hospital stay.


As a patient at OrthoNebraska, it is your responsibility:

  • To provide, accurate and complete information about your past medical condition (including but not limited to: present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other matters relating to your health.)
  • To report any unexpected changes in your medical condition to your healthcare team.
  • To ask questions if you do not understand the diagnosis, medical treatment, and instructions for follow-up care, as well as to communicate any limits of your abilities and circumstances to adhere to the agreed upon plan of care.
  • To provide a copy of your current Advance Directive (Living Will and/or Power of Attorney for Health Care) and any organ/tissue donation permissions to the health care professionals taking care of you.
  • To inform your healthcare team involved in treating you of any questions, concerns or satisfactions regarding your experience.

Care Planning

As a patient at OrthoNebraska, it is your responsibility:

  • To understand your treatment plan and to know your options before making decisions.
  • To follow the treatment plan recommended by the healthcare team.
  • To be accountable for your actions if you refuse care or do not follow care instructions.

Financial Obligation

As a patient at OrthoNebraska, it is your responsibility:

  • To pay for the healthcare you received as promptly as possible. We need to know your current insurance information to file the bill in an accurate and timely manner. Insurance assignment does not relieve the patient/guarantor from fulfillment of financial obligations.

Respect and Consideration

As a patient at OrthoNebraska, it is your responsibility:

  • To keep appointments and arrive on time. If you are unable to do so, you are responsible for contacting your healthcare provider in a timely fashion.
  • To comply with the hospital’s tobacco free policy.
  • To be considerate and respectful of the rights, privacy and confidentiality of patients, families, and staff.
    • Audio/video recording or photographing of patients, family, visitors or hospital staff will not occur at any time unless specific permission has been obtained.
    • Threats, violence, or harassment of other patients and hospital staff will not be tolerated.
  • To assist in the control of noise and the number of visitors. Patients, families and visitors are responsible for being respectful of the property of others.
  • To refrain from conducting any illegal activity on hospital property. If such activity occurs, the hospital will report it to the authorities.


As a patient at OrthoNebraska, it is your responsibility:

  • To promote your own safety by becoming an active, involved, and informed member of your healthcare team.
  • To remind all caregivers to wash their hands before taking care of you.
  • To be informed of any and all medications you are taking and why you are taking them.
  • To ask all hospital staff to identify themselves.
  • To remind staff to check your identification before medications, treatments, or procedures.

Complaints, Concerns and Questions

As a patient at OrthoNebraska you have the right:

  • To express concerns, complaints, and satisfactions regarding services rendered. This will not affect your future care.
  • To expect a timely response to your complaint or grievance from the hospital. Complaints or grievances may be submitted in writing, by phone, by email, or in person. The hospital has a duty to respond to these complaints or grievances in a manner that you can understand.

By Mail:
The Quality and Accreditation Department
2808 143rd Plaza
Omaha, NE 86144
By Phone:
Quality and Accreditation Department (402) 609-2601
Hospital Administration (402) 609-1000
By Email

If your concerns are still not addressed, you may contact the Joint Commission.

By Mail:
Office of Quality Monitoring
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois  60181
By Phone:
(800) 994-6610
By Email:

For any unresolved complaint regarding the quality of care, patients may also contact Livanta.

By Phone:
(855) 755-5580
By Mail:
10820 Guilford Road, Suite 202
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701

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