Patients & Visitors
You’re the reason we’re here. So we treat you like it.
We know there are options when it comes to your healthcare. Thank you for choosing OrthoNebraska!
Before Your Doctor Visit
To shorten your wait time, please bring your picture ID, previous images and insurance card with you to every appointment. If you’re a new patient, please fill out our new patient forms online. Filling out your forms ahead of time reduces the wait times for everyone.
Recover More Quickly
After your surgery or procedure, your doctor will give you a detailed plan for post-procedural care. Be sure you make arrangements to have a responsible adult with you for 24 hours after any procedure requiring anesthesia, and ask your doctor or nurse about any preparations you may need to make in your home to help you recover more quickly.
When to Call
After returning home following a surgery or procedure at OrthoNebraska, patient information may be accessed at any time via your online portal. Monitor your symptoms after any visit, and call us if you notice any unusual changes.
- If you experience shortness of breath, post-surgical fever, or severe acute pain, please go to the nearest Emergency Room. Orthopaedic Urgent Care and Emergency Room services are available at OrthoNebraska.
- If you have questions or complications from surgery, please contact your physician’s office directly. For the OrthoNebraska clinic, dial (402) 609-3000.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at (402) 609-1600.

Prepare for Surgery
If you are preparing to have surgery at OrthoNebraska Hospital, learn more about what to expect and our general protocols for surgery.

Joint Pain Seminars
Interested in joint replacement but not sure where to start? Our surgeons offer FREE Joint Pain Seminars to learn more before making an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions
Read some of the most frequently asked questions from our patients and guests.

Visitor Information
Learn about the amenities at our facility if you will be staying overnight or accompanying a loved one having surgery.