It’s just a finger! Or is it?

“It’s just a finger!” “How can it be so hard to get better?” “Why is it so tough to regain my motion?” These are some of the questions asked of our hand therapists when treating finger injuries like dislocations, tendon, or ligament injuries and/or fractures. To the layperson, these seem like such relatively simple injuries. […]

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Symptoms of Text Neck

The term “Text Neck” is starting to be heard more commonly on the news and in medical circles. It refers to neck pain resulting from increased neck flexion or forward head position. This posture is typically held when texting/scrolling on a phone, reading a book in hand, or leaning over a tablet on a table […]

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Are You in Over Your Head?

“Is it safe to lift overhead?” “I’ve heard overhead lifting is bad for your shoulders, is that true?” “My gym uses presses, jerks, and snatches in their workouts, do I need to modify those lifts?” With questions like that on your mind, you may find yourself thinking, “am I in over my head?”  The answer […]

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