OrthoNebraska Public WiFi Acceptable Use Notice

Welcome to the OrthoNebraska Public WiFi! By connecting to this network, you agree to adhere to the following acceptable use policies:

1. Internet Access Purpose: This WiFi service is provided for general internet access for OrthoNebraska Patients, their Guests and OrthoNebraska Employee personal devices. This service is provided with “best-effort” access. OrthoNebraska provides no guarantee for availability, speeds or stability.

2. Bandwidth Usage: Be considerate of other users and avoid excessive bandwidth consumption, such as large file downloads or streaming high-definition videos.

3. No Inappropriate/Illegal Activities: Services and content deemed “inappropriate” for a healthcare environment may be blocked. Engaging in any illegal activities, including but not limited to copyright infringement, distribution of illegal content, or any activity that violates local, state, or federal laws, is strictly prohibited. Violations will be reported to appropriate authorities.

4. Respect Privacy: Do not attempt to intercept or monitor the communication of others on the network. Respect the privacy of other users.

5. No Disruption: Do not engage in any activities that disrupt the normal operation of the network or negatively impact other users’ experience.

6. No Commercial Use: This network is for personal, non-commercial use only. Any commercial or business-related activities are not permitted.

7. Monitoring: Individuals using this wireless network are subject to having all their activities monitored and recorded by systems personnel. OrthoNebraska reserves the right to revoke and deny access, without warning, in the event that an abuse of policy is detected.

8. Security Awareness: The OrthoNebraska Public Wifi is an open WPA network which requires no authentication and has no encryption. OrthoNebraska and its affiliates assume no liability for the theft, corruption, or loss of data; for any systems that access this network. Take appropriate measures to secure your device. This includes using updated antivirus software and keeping your operating system and applications up to date.

© 2025 OrthoNebraska. All rights reserved. |