So You’re A Fall Sport Athlete?

Your How-To Guide to Survive the Winter Season and Prepare For Spring Sports

The last touchdown passes have been thrown. Soon, the last volleyball kills and tennis aces will be recorded and cross country races run for the fall sports season in Nebraska. Many fall athletes will go on to play winter sports, but some will choose not to take up a winter activity or choose to prepare for another season. If you are concerned about losing ground in your sport, here are three tips to consider for the off-season:

  1. Rest: Taking some time off to allow your body to recover from the demands of a sports season can go a long way toward reducing injury risk, staying engaged, and enjoying your activities.
  2. Try a new sport/activity: Participating in multiple sports/activities is good for you! Injury risk can be reduced when athletes focus on more than one specific sport over multiple seasons.  Using different body areas and muscles in different sports not only gives your body a chance to recover but also helps an athlete learn new skillsets.  For example, using leverage in wrestling and applying it to blocking in football or gaining more endurance through swimming that can be applied to soccer or track and cross country.
  3. Find an offseason training program: Offseason training can be a huge help with performance and injury reduction once you return to your season. The focus should be on developing a variety of areas and not just providing reps of the same motions over and over. Sure, there should be training specific to your sport but there should be more to the program.  These programs should also focus on basic strength, power development, agility and how an athlete moves.

These keys should ensure a safe and productive offseason that leaves you ready to compete in the spring.

If you have any questions about offseason training, feel free to reach to OrthoNebraska Physical Therapy and talk with one of our Sports Rehab specialists.

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